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A Place Of Greater Safety (Fourth Estate) de Hilary Mantel

Descripción - Críticas ‘Superbly readable…an assured and strange masterpiece.’ Sunday Telegraph'One of the best English novels of the 20th century.' Diana Athill, The Oldie‘Hilary Mantel has soaked herself in the history of the period…and a striking picture emerges of the exhilaration, dynamic energy and stark horror of those fearful days.’ Daily Telegraph‘I cannot think of a historical novel as good as this until one goes back to Marguerite Yourcenar’s “Memoirs of Hadrian”, published forty years ago.’ Evening Standard‘Marvellous…It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. Hilary Mantel captures it all.’ Time Out‘Intriguing…She has grasped what made these young revolutionaries – and with them the French Revolution – tick.’ Independent‘Crafty tensions, twists and high drama…a bravura display of her endlessly inventive, eerily observant style.’ Times Literary Supplement‘An extraordinary and overwhelming novel…immensely detailed and yet fast-moving…she has set herself to capture the excitement and intellectual fervour of the period. She does it admirably…a tour de force.’ Scotsman'Riveting…the book overflows with a natural storyteller's energy.' New Yorker‘Much, much more than a historical novel, this is an addictive study of power, and the price that must be paid for it…a triumph.’ Cosmopolitan'This is a high-class historical blockbuster.' Red Magazine‘Hilary Mantel has pulled off the apparently impossible…an ambitious, gripping epic.’ Vogue Reseña del editor From the double Man Booker prize-winner comes an extraordinary work of historical imagination – this is Hilary Mantel’s epic novel of the French Revolution.Georges-Jacques Danton: zealous, energetic and debt-ridden. Maximilien Robespierre: small, diligent and terrified of violence. And Camille Desmoulins: a genius of rhetoric, charming and handsome, yet also erratic and untrustworthy. As these young men, key figures of the French Revolution, taste the addictive delights of power, the darker side of the period’s political ideals is unleashed – and all must face the horror that follows. Biografía del autor Hilary Mantel is the author of thirteen books , including A PLACE OF GREATER SAFETY, BEYOND BLACK, and the memoir GIVING UP THE GHOST. Her two most recent novels, WOLF HALL and its sequel BRING UP THE BODIES, have both been awarded The Man Booker Prize – an unprecedented achievement.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: A Place Of Greater Safety (Fourth Estate)
  • Autor: Hilary Mantel
  • Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Ficción por género
  • Tamaño del archivo: 16 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 714 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Descargar A Place Of Greater Safety (Fourth Estate) de Hilary Mantel Ebooks, PDF, ePub

A Place of Greater Safety by Hilary Mantel ~ A Place of Greater Safety is…more Wolf Hall is part 1, Bring Up the Bodies is part 2, and part 3, The Mirrror and the Light will be published in March 2020. A Place of Greater Safety is unconnected to this trilogy.

A PLACE OF GREATER SAFETY / HILARY MANTEL / Comprar libro ~ A PLACE OF GREATER SAFETY de HILARY MANTEL. ENVÍO GRATIS en 1 día desde 19€. Libro nuevo o segunda mano, sinopsis, resumen y opiniones.

A place of greater safety (Book, 2010) [WorldCat] ~ Get this from a library! A place of greater safety. [Hilary Mantel] -- Recounts the events between the fall of the ancient regime and the peak of the terror, as seen through the eyes of the French Revolution's three protagonists-- Georges-Jacques Danton, Maxililien .

A Place of Greater Safety - Hilary Mantel - Häftad ~ Pris: 149 kr. Häftad, 2007. Skickas inom 7-10 vardagar. Köp A Place of Greater Safety av Hilary Mantel på Bokus.

Hilary Mantel: used books, rare books and new books ~ More editions of A Place of Greater Safety: A Place of Greater Safety: ISBN 9780007250554 (978-0-00-725055-4) Softcover, Fourth Estate, 2007; Vacant Possession. by Hilary Mantel . ISBN 9780701130473 (978-0-7011-3047-3) Hardcover, Chatto & Windus Ltd, 1986. Find This Book

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